In July 2007, I presented at “The 6th Annual International Conference on an Interfaith Perspective on Globalisation for the Common Good” taking place in Istanbul, Turkey and spoke about the topic of “Globalisation and Communication: Reflections and Challenges” during a panel discussion at a conference plenary session.

A version of the paper presented during the session is now available for download as it appeared in recent publication.

</p><ul><li><div align=””left””><a href=””images/articles/Chris-Kosovich-Insight10-07.pdf”” target=””_blank”” title=””October 2007 Publication””>

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This paper was later published internationally in October 2007 in the “Practically Speaking” section of “Interreligious Insight: A Journal of Dialogue and Engagement” in volume 5, issue 4. I greatly appreciate the editors of the journal sharing this article with me so I may make it available through this website.

Portions of this paper were also published in an edited conference compilation proceedings book in 2008.